
A linked list data structure.

cons T -> list T -> list T
Adds an element to the head of the list

end list ?
Empty list

pop list T -> U -> (T -> list T -> U) -> U
Takes a list, a default value and a callback. Returns the default value if the list is empty, otherwise passes the head and tail to the callback.

fold list T -> U -> (U -> T -> U) -> U
Fold each element into an accumulator using a callback. This evaluates the entire list.

rfold list T -> U -> (U -> T -> U) -> U
Fold each element into an accumulator in reverse order. This evaulates the entire list, and isn't tail recursive.

reduce list T -> (T -> T -> T) -> option T
Fold each element into a shared element. This evaluates the entire list.

filter list T -> (T -> bool) -> list T
Return a new list that contains only the elements from the input list for which the function returns true.

map list T -> (T -> U) -> list U
Transform each element of the list.

skip list T -> usize -> list T
Skip N elements from the list and return the tail.

take list T -> usize -> list T
Return n elements from the list and discard the rest.

get list T -> usize -> option T
Return the nth element from the list.

enumerate list T -> list tuple[usize, T]
Map every element to a pair of the index and the original element

chain list (T -> T) -> T -> T
Chains a list of functions in revverse, calling the head of the list on the return value of the next element when called on the element after it and so on. The last element in the list receives the second argument.

The main use case is to turn a list of CPS commands into a single CPS command which executes all of them in order.

new[] expression
Creates a new list from a comma-separated sequence of elements.

const my_list := list::new[1, 2, "foo", 3.14, 22 / 7]