
A map implemented as a list of key-value pairs. This isn't very efficient so it should only be used with relatively few keys.

These maps may be well-formed if each key appears exactly once, or degenerate if a key appears multiple times. Which one to use is up to the programmer. Well-formed maps are managed with set and del, while degenerate maps are managed with add and delall. A degenerate map may be turned into a well-formed map via normalize which is O(n**2).

empty map ? ?
Creates a new empty map

add map K V -> K -> V -> map K V
Adds the element to the map, possibly shadowing an existing element with the same value

get map K V -> K -> option V
Returns the first value associated with this key if it exists

del map K V -> K -> map K V
Removes the first occurrence of a key.

delall map K V -> K -> map K V
Removes all occurrences of a key.

set map K V -> K -> V -> map K V
Replace at most one occurrence of a key with a new one.

normalize map K V -> map K V
ensure that there's only one instance of each key in the map.

new[] expression
Creates a new list from a comma-separated sequence of key = value pairs.

const foo := map::new[ "foo" = 1, "bar" = 2, "baz" = 3, "bar" = 4 ];