
IO primitives to work with streams. Streams can be defined by the environment or returned by external libraries.

The following definitions mention types ReadHandle, WriteHandle and Error. ReadHandle and WriteHandle are created externally. Error is meant to be an Orchid representation of Rust's std::io::Error, but for the time being it's just the integer 0.

print OrcString -> cmd -> cmd
Writes the string to stdout, flushes, and continues once both operations completed.

println OrcString -> cmd -> cmd
Writes the string with a newline to stdout and flushes.

readln (OrcString -> cmd) -> cmd
Reads a line from stdin.

Standard streams

Standard unix I/O streams

stdin ReadHandle
stdout WriteHandle
stderr WriteHandle

I/O operations

An IO operation IoOperation T has the type T -> (Error -> cmd) -> cmd -> cmd. It is a command that takes an eventual success and error handler, and a continuation. The continuation does not wait for the current operation to complete. Operations on the same ReadHandle or WriteHandle are sequenced, but there are no ordering guarantees, so eg. if you want to write to a WriteHandle and then flush it, the flush call must appear in the success path and not the continuation.

read_string ReadHandle -> IoOperation (OrcString -> cmd)
Reads the entire stream to a string.

read_line ReadHandle -> IoOperation (OrcString -> cmd)
Reads the stream up to the next line break, consuming the line break and returning all text before it.

read_bin ReadHandle -> IoOperation (Binary -> cmd)
Reads the entire stream into a blob as defined in std::binary.

read_n_bytes ReadHandle -> usize -> IoOperation (Binary -> cmd)
Reads N bytes from the stream and returns them in a blob. Remember that bytes don't translate to Unicode characters.

read_until ReadHandle -> usize -> IoOperation (Binary -> cmd)
Accepts a byte value no greater than 255. Reads the stream until the specified byte is found.

write_str WriteHandle -> OrcString -> IoOperation cmd
Writes the given string to the stream.

write_bin WriteHandle -> Binary -> IoOperation cmd
Writes the given bytes to the stream.

flush WriteHandle -> IoOperation cmd
Signals for any buffered data in the stream to be flushed. If you're writing to standard output explicitly instead of using print, you need to call this manually.